Vaccination Information
When it’s your turn, there are a couple options for scheduling an appointment to get the COVID-19 vaccine:
Attend one of our clinics
We also offer vaccine clinics with open registration. We’re always adding new dates so check back frequently to find one that works best for you.
Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Clinic
100 Central Ave.
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Open to individuals newborn and up
Walk-in availability
We Got Vaccinated
Denice Olson
February 1, 2021
I get my flu vaccine every year. I have a medical history of airway issues and am trying to keep myself well. I work an essential job and have been out in this since the beginning.
Megan Peterson
February 1, 2021
I chose to vaccinate so that I may continue to serve my community safely. Being vaccinated has helped ease my concerns about providing care to those patients suffering from this terrible illness.
Carrie Fairthorne
February 11, 2021
I chose to get vaccinated because I want to be able to help the virus slow and get back traveling, shopping and just normal life with friends and family.
Laramie County Orders & Updates
Feeling sick?
Are you having these symptoms?
- Fever
- Headache
- Runny nose
- Nausea
- Sore throat
- Cough
If so, we recommend that you limit contact with other people until you are able to get a COVID-19 test. Click the image above to learn what next steps to take.
To view the most current case and contact information, click here.
You can also click here to register for FREE COVID-19 testing, available Monday – Friday.
Recently exposed?
Quarantine guidelines vary based on an individuals vaccination status.
For more information please visit the CDC website.
You can also register for FREE COVID-19 testing, available Monday – Friday.
Are you a business?
If you have an employee test positive, have your employee follow the isolation instructions above. They will be contact traced and issued isolation orders. Determine if any other employees were exposed through close contact with the positive case, and the exposed employees need to follow quarantine instructions.
Once a positive employee has been released from their isolation, they will be safe to return to work. Exposed employees may return to work after they complete quarantine. Positive employees may still test positive for three months following, so the CDC recommends a symptom-based approach rather than a negative test. (Please read
their recommendation HERE)
For questions regarding state health orders, please call 307.633.4105.
For information on State of Wyoming health orders, isolation, quarantine, and testing, see the links below?:
CDC Guidelines and Recommendations
CDC Guidance for Businesses and Employers
Guidance for Employee Screening from WDH
Additional resources
We know that navigating COVID-19 can be difficult and hopefully the information on this site helps answer your questions. In addition, here are a few more resources that may help you get the answers you are looking for.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Wyoming Department of Health