Through the Well and Septic Inspection program, Environmental Health specialists complete evaluations on rural properties in Laramie County during the conveyance or transfer of property ownership. The goal is to protect the health and well-being of both the people using these systems and the environment around them.
Evaluations are required by FHA, VA, and many conventional loan agencies. State Statutes (which you can view here) required the State Department of Health to adopt rules so that VA/FHA loans would not be required to meet all EPA drinking water quality standards.
During an inspection, an Environmental Specialist will review the following items:
First, you’ll need to fill out the form below, either by downloading and completing a hard copy, or submitting online.
(Property evaluations will not be started until payment has been received. Submissions must have payment completed within 3 business days of submission. Nonpayment will result in the application denial.)
Water Supply and Sewerage System Inspection – Request for Conveyance of Property Application (online)
Water Supply and Sewerage System Inspection – Request for Conveyance of Property Application (pdf)
Along with your application, you’ll be required to:
This test is ONLY for bacteriological (total coliform & E. coli).
(Property evaluations will not be started until payment has been received. Submissions must have payment completed within 3 business days of submission. Nonpayment will result in the application denial.)
Refinance Water Test Application (online)
Refinance Water Test Application (pdf)