Ryan White Case Management

Man with clipboard discussing care with younger man

For those who meet financial qualifications, we provide case management services to Cheyenne and Laramie County residents living with HIV/AIDS.

Together with their case managers, participants in this program will gain improved access to health care, receive help coordinating community services, and get help accessing HIV resources statewide.

Your case manager’s key roles are to:

  • Perform an initial assessment of your service needs
  • Develop a comprehensive, individualized care plan
  • Coordinate services required to implement the care plan
  • Monitor and assess the care plan’s effectiveness
  • Periodically re-evaluate and adapt the plan as necessary over your enrollment in case management services

What is case management?

Within the HIV/AIDS services delivery system, case management is a primary means for people living with HIV/AIDS to get help accessing vital social, emotional, and medical services.

Your case manager will serve as an important facilitator among you as the client, your family or caretaker, your health team, your payer, and the Cheyenne and Laramie County community.

What does a case manager provide?

  • Early access to and maintenance of comprehensive health care and social services
  • Improved integration of services
  • Enhanced continuity of care
  • Successful adherence to agreed-upon treatment goals
  • Prevention of disease transmission or progression
  • Increased knowledge of HIV disease
  • Greater participation in and optimal use of the health and social service system
  • Reinforcement of positive health behaviors
  • Personal empowerment
  • Improved quality of life

Find out if you qualify!

If you are living with HIV/AIDS, lacking health insurance (or your insurance doesn’t pay for the care you need), and meet low income criteria, you may qualify for the Ryan White Care Program.

To speak to an Adult Health Nurse about your eligibility, call 307.633.4000.

Vile of blood for HIV testing